Hot Drinks Cool Cards Hop with Scrapn Stamp

Welcome to the Scrap'n Stamp hop on Hot Drinks Cool Cards! 

Yes, we do have a prize to give away to those who comment on the designer's blogs and show some love, which is a $50.00 Gift Certificate to the Scrap'n Stamp store. It is a short hop, so your chances of winning have increased.
I hope you will join in on the fun for your chance to win.
For my card today I am using a Penny Black stamp called Cozy Cuppa. This is such a pretty stamp, which I have used before. To colour this time I loved the look on the packaging, looks great so why not ise it I thought!

To begin my card I am stamping on a piece of Neenah cardstock cut to 5.25 x 4.0" with Memento Ink in Tuxedo Black. From the original stamp I blocked off the winter parts of the image, which are snowflakes and a large snowflake on her hat.
I replaced the large snowflake that was part of the hat with 7 tiny light blue pearls. I also added a slightly larger pearl to the cap on the bird.

To colour I used copic markers. For the jacket BG49, BG34, BG32; B23, B24, and B29. The hat and gloves are BG11 with the trim using B29; Coffee cup is B24, coffee is E17 and steam is C3 and C1; her face is E01, E04; Bird is B24 and BG34 and the table surface is C1 with several layers.
I attached my Neenah carstock piece to Recollections cardstock in a medium matting, then attaached to the darker blue card base.

For matting I added a light blue piece of cardstock by Recollections, the applied the pieces to the darker blue cardbase.
For some reason it bother me that the image did not have a left arm protruding from the jacket to the glove, so I drew it in and coloured it with the E01 copic marker.

Finishing up I added Pinkfresh Ombre Blue and Silver gems to the card front, keeping he rest of the card clean and simple.

Next up on the hop is Allison

up are here**Kia Gibson-Clapper**you are here


  1. Love this sweet image. Nothing like a cup of coffee to get off to a great start no matter what the weather, and what an extra treat the little bird adds to fun! Great card, Kia!

  2. What a darling stamp this is!! She's a beauty, but I am a bird nerd and he's simply too adorable for words. And your card is so very pretty! Love the pearls on her hat!

  3. What a sweet stamp...that is one very big cup of coffee! I also like you altered the image to work in other seasons.

  4. Lauryne Cunningham4 September 2023 at 07:16

    What a sweet card! Beautiful coloring!

  5. Such a lovely card! That looks like a suitably large cup of coffee to get me through the day!

  6. Oh my gosh, the bird is too adorable! I love that it is skating. Really great card. Sharon Gullikson

  7. Great image and colors for your pretty card! Love the skating bird!


Thank you very much for commenting. I love to read what you have to say and appreciate the time you take. I monitor comments to keep those spammers out, so do not be surprised if you do not see your comment straight away.

xoxo, Kia