Grateful For You


Introducing "Grateful For You".

Every now and then I am in the mood to make an eclectic card, which is what I have done for today's card, making this for the Inspiration Challenge at I picked this for my inspiration.
For my background I am using Gina K Design designer paper called Autumn Splendor. The leaves are by Pinkfresh called Pinkfresh Studio Foliage Shaker dies.

Using a Neenah cardbase I attached the plaid designer paper cut to 4x5.25 to the card front. I then cut a piece the pumpkin designer paper to 3.75x5.0 and matted it with a blue piece of cardstock cut 1/8th inch larger which I then attached to the card front.
For the dies I die cut using Ranger distress watercolour paper, running them through my Empress machine. On the back of the leaves I added scotch tape to hold all the pieces in place.

To watercolour I used Daniel Smith watercolours in greens on one leaf, blues on the second leaf, and reds, pinks and yellows on the 3rd. Once the paint was dry I splattered the leaves with white watercolour.
Using foam squares I attached the die cut leaves to the card front with the solid colours on the outside and the mixed colour leaf in the middle.

In my mini Misti I stamped the sentiment by Lawn Fawn Simply Fall using VersaFine Clair ink in Pinecone on a leftover piece of the plaid designer paper which I then glued to the card front.

Thank you for dropping by today. I appreciate your visits.

See you next time.


1 comment

  1. Thanks for the details and this is a fabulously desiged card.. I have some TH leaves similar..xx


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