
It is that time for Watercolour Wednesday and Brenda is our hostess this week. She has requested that we visit Easy Watercolour Snowdrops by de Winton Paper Co.

I was surprised to find I did not have Moonglow, I could have sworn I did. So I used Roman Szmal Manganese Violet instead. 

I applied Winsor Newton Masking Fluid to the drawn leaves and flowers, then added the background colours of Delft Blue, and Cadmium Yellow, Manganese Violet and Manganese Blue.

I allowed the piece to dry, then removed the masking fluid so I could apply the remaining colours, being Sap Green, Green Apatite, and Cadmium Yellow.

Using Art Glitter glue I attached the watercolour piece to a Neenah card base. Inside I stamped Just a Note using VersaFine Clair ink in Green Oasis.

Thanks so much for visiting today. I do hope you have enjoyed this card.

See you next time.




xoxo, Kia