Bubble Watercolour

This is "Bubble Watercolour".

This painting I have painted for the Splitcoaststampers Watercolour Wednesday challenge, hosted by Angela this week, and she has picked this for our challenge.

This card is easy to do, and also very relaxing. If you have never tried a watercolour, this would be an easy one to start with.
One thing I found when doing this watercolour is that I do not have a lot of glasses with different size openings. Most of them had almost the same size. So I did the best I could do with what I had.

Following the video, using a damp brush I pulled the colour inside the circle. With some I had more pigment than with others, but I embraced all of the circles, even allowing splatter to fill a few.

I like having different pieces of my art hung in my art room, and I think I will frame this to add over a open rack that I have. It will look good there, along with the lamb watercolour from last week.
Thank you for joining me today. I hope you have enjoyed this easy watercolour and I hope you will consider giving it a go. I promise, it is fun to do.

I painted with three colours, being Daniel Smith watercolours in Hansa Yellow, Alizarin Crimson and Phthalo Blue (Green Shade) using my Escoda brushes on Arches cold press 140lb. watercolour paper.

See you next time.



xoxo, Kia